Droolery Teething Jewelry

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You may have notice that from about four months of age and beyond, your baby has gotten very……grabby. and crabby. And drooly. And strives to put everything she can get her hands on in her mouth. Sometimes it is simply because the mouth is a baby’s most common interface with the world, However, often times, teething is the culprit. Teething pain in the gums is soothed by pressure, so gumming items is just second nature for a baby. If you are holding baby close while feeding him or wearing her in a carrier, the teething items may very well be your glasses, hair, or even your face in some cases! Since this can be inconvenient, there is teething jewelry to the rescue.

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Mama jewels for baby drools

Is that not the cutest tagline ever?

Droolery teething jewelry a sanitary, safe, and stylish way to give baby and mama the teethers they want and need.  Droolery is made from nontoxic, BPA free silicone. Each bead is individually knotted to prevent chocking should the strand break. The clasp is breakaway style made form a plastic snap. It will release if baby adds too much pressure from tugging. It easily snaps back together.No more broken necklaces! The silicone beads are firm enough for soothing sore gums, but soft enough to be comfortable and not harm teeth. (Although, if your baby already has substantial teeth, you may want a different teething option to avoid her biting INTO the beads.)

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Did we mention it can be washed right in the dishwasher? If there is congealed milk slobber all over the necklace, just wash with warm , soapy water, or toss it in your nipple basket in your dishwasher. Easy!

We are no strangers to teething jewelry. We have several necklaces by different brands and tested out several back when we did retail. The strand and knotting on Droolery is a bit more substantial than other teething necklaces we have used. The clasp is also tougher. Droolery is higher end when it comes to quality construction on teething jewelry.


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This design is called Gracie belle, in the turquoise color. There are several different designs in many colors, including bangle bracelets. Prices on Droolery necklaces range from around $20 to $35. (Go to the site and check out the Amelia necklace in the multi-color option. Wouldn’t that look so cute with a navy tank and denim?)

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*Teething jewelry of this nature is meant to be worn by an adult. Do not give to baby or place items around baby’s neck. Review item c/o Droolery.


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