Making Your Own Book About Love

blurb passions

Capture your passions and celebrate them

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Even if you’re not in a romantic relationship (or if you are and just want to do something special for yourself), you can still make a book that’s all about love—the things that YOU love. It’s about time you did something for yourself, right? Get some inspiration here.

First, figure out what you’re writing about. Are you passionate about photography? Cooking? Your kids? Your pets? Design or fashion? If it’s more than one subject, could they work together? For instance, if you love cooking and also enjoy taking great photos, you’re definitely in luck when it comes to documenting your creations.

Once you’ve picked your subject, start collecting your material. If you aren’t the greatest photographer in the world, ask a talented friend to take pictures or use an app like Instagram to make your photos gorgeous. The hard part might be picking your absolute favorites—I know I have a hard time not including almost every shot I take.

Next, either start your book online or download Blurb’s handy book-making software and start laying out your book. You can use just your photos or add text (like captions) or even just write about what you love. Here’s a tip—use stories from your blog or emails you’ve sent as written material.

Once you’ve arranged your content on your pages, check to make sure everything’s just right and hit order. You’ll have a book that’s all about what you love and a Valentine’s Day gift (for yourself). Want to see some examples of great books? Check them out here.

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