5 Months

mory 5 months

Will this baby start sleeping through the night on a consistent basis soon?

I am tired, I must admit. She is an easy baby compared to the others, yes, but I am so ready to not be woken up at 1am, 3am, and 5am. She is almost showing interest in solid food, so maybe that will help soon. However, like I said, she is an easy baby for the most part. I seriously cannot complain.

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My middle child is still my most difficult. She is, of course, not inherently difficult so much as we have clashing personalities I think. How can I have a personality that clashes with a three year old? I don’t really know. Her relationship with my husband is completely different. She screams for him when she is furious with me. In my head I call him the chick whisperer, which is probably not the greatest thought, but I just cannot help it. Haha. The man just has a way with the ladies, no matter how old or young.

Back to Mory. She looks nothing like our other kids. I cannot for the life of me figure out who she looks like. I get glimpses of my husband, but occasionally of me too. What it comes down to is…..she looks like Mory!

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