Comfort & Function with GladRags Cloth Menstrual Pads

GladRags cloth Menstrual Pads
*Pads c/o GladRags.

Since my youngest child’s birth, my cycles have been slow to come back. Much like before having children , they are several months long and fairly heavy once they begin. I used to loathe getting my period since it often lasted upwards of 10 days, which meant a long stint with leaky tampons and itchy pads. When I began the switch to cloth pads, I was pleasantly surprised at how absorbent they were, especially while being less bulky than disposable pads. Not only that, but the snapping wings on cloth pads work much better than adhesive wings, keeping the pad in place without risking the adhesive getting stuck elsewhere for a surprise bikini wax. Yow! Not to mention having them stick to stitches postpartum. Ouch.

Since making that transition, I am hooked and never going back to disposable pads. Cloth menstrual pads like GladRags, are comfortable, safe, economical, easy to use, and produce less trash to ship off to the landfills. Some studies claim disposable tampons, and even pads, can cause more cramping and bleeding than you would normally experience. There are also chemicals and toxins in many disposable pads that can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome and skin irritations, plus the plastic lining is not breathable so they can actually make you more susceptible to yeast infections. Reducing those risks and enjoying more comfort makes using cloth pads like GladRags a great option.

GladRags cloth Menstrual Pads

Located in Portland, Oregon, GladRags provides safe menstrual products with sustainability in mind. Their products available include the GladRags brand of cloth pads, plus a variety of brands of menstrual cups, sponges, wet bags, cleaning needs, and accessories.  The GladRags Cloth Menstrual Pads each come with a main pad (the holder) with a snapping envelope enclosure plus two additional pads for adjustable absorbancy.

The main holder is made from cotton flannel, while the pads are made from terry cloth and flannel for absorbency and comfort. Pictured here is the Day pad and the Overnight pad. The day pad is approximately nine inches in length and about 2.5 inches in width. The day pad is small and basically the perfect size for lighter days, or rather what this heavy flow lady calls light! The day pad with just one of the pad inserts (or none) is perfect for a pantyliner, although GladRags does also have a pantyliner pad available. If you add the second pad insert, it offers the same protection as a ‘regular’ disposable pad.

GladRags cloth Menstrual Pads


The Night/Postpartum pads are a generous 14 inches long and three inches wide in the center when snapped, (after washing). As you can see below, they reach from my elbow crease to half way up my fingers. This may seem huge, but they are for extra protection to wear all night or postpartum. They are not nearly as bulky as those giant pads the hospital offers. I found the super length to be perfect because it can handle shifting and sleeping in any position.

GladRags cloth Menstrual Pads

The Night Pads (or postpartum) have similar pad inserts for snapping into the holder, but they also have a layer of terry cloth in the holder pad itself. I do wish the inserts for the night time pad were a little bit longer to offer more protection along the length, but I can achieve that effect by layering the inserts with only the ends overlapping. I would definitely order more inserts for postpartum if you are a big bleeder. Or just fold up some extra flannel if you have it around.

GladRags cloth Menstrual Pads

GladRags are pretty comfortable and the flannel is very breathable. They are especially nice in this warm weather we have had this summer. I like the colors and prints they have available, and the adjustable absorbency is always a plus.

*Review pads c/o GladRags in exchange for an honest review.

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1 thought on “Comfort & Function with GladRags Cloth Menstrual Pads”

  1. I personally prefer menstrual cups to reusable cloth pads. They’re even better for the environment because you don’t have all that laundry to do.

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