How Do You Store Your Cloth Diapers?

For some unknown reason, I have documented my cloth stash’s migration around our home in pictures. I am always interested in how everyone stores their diapers.

I will admit, I probably have the least fancy storage for my cloth diapers.  I am one of those people who never saw the point of a changing table. In Fact, I don’t believe I have personally know anyone with a changing table. Not that I know of anyway. In my family, we always changed babies on the bed or the floor. We lay a towel down and do what needs to be done.

Once I had my own baby, and decided to cloth diaper, I realized I would have quite a stash of cloth related stuff to keep around. However, we did not have much space to work with, so my cloth stash simply traveled around the room as conveniences changed.

When my son was still tiny, we had his crib set up as a sort of changing and dressing station, since he spent so little time in there.

That did not last very long for obvious reasons. Since he slept in our room for the first 11 months, we kept his diaper stash in the bedroom. I moved it to the radiator during the warmer months. I didn’t leave them there during the winter, since the constant heat couldn’t be very good for the elastic and PUL. However, I did use it like a huge wipes warmer for my cloth wipes!


Right before my son turned a year old, we moved a to a larger home and he started sleeping in his own room. I didn’t want to keep his cloth diapers in his room, since he would just pull them down each day and make a mess. And on more than one occasion, after the fluff was thrown into a pile on the floor, I would find a cat or two lounging on them, covering them with fur.

So I placed a corner shelf I was not using at the time, into the hallway between the baby’s room and the bathroom. It was a convenient location and out of the way.


We have a hanging wet bag and a bucket just a couple feet away in the bathroom, so I often just change my son right on the floor next to the diaper shelf. It may not be pretty, but it works. Unfortunately this hallway is also where the dirty laundry piles up. I usually rinse my inserts and fitteds in the bathroom sink and wring them out before tossing them in a bucket. Everything else goes into the wet bag. I find rinsing inserts really cuts down on odor and buildup, and makes my wash routine easier. I don’t find it to be much work. It is not for everyone though.

What you do not see here, are pictures of what happens about 30 percent of the time. The times I pull everything out of the dryer or off the clothesline, and just pile it on the dining room table or my dresser. Sometimes they never get folded or make it to the diaper shelf and by the time I get around to it, I have to wash again. I am sure I am not the only one who does this on occasion.

So how do you store your cloth diapers and supplies? Do you have an attractive and organized set up? Or just sort of go with the flow and put them wherever they fit? Do most people store their stash in a nursery?

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4 thoughts on “How Do You Store Your Cloth Diapers?”

  1. i love the last picture of all thes stuff on a little shelf. i keep all my daughters diapers down stairs in the living room. they are all stacked up in a little container next to the tv. its where we spend most of the day. after she poops i spray the diapers with a diaper sprayer from the dollar store. then they go in a huge wet bag that stays in the hall next to our dirty clothes chair.. lol we just moved and are lacking in the laundry basket department so we just put the dirty clothes on the chair until we have enough to wash.

  2. I have one of those cheap “three shelf” bookshelves from Wally World in my living room with all my diapering items. Since we have two under two, I am always changing someone and I found myself doing it, more times than not, on the living room floor. Like you said, it may not be pretty but it works! 🙂 For dirty diapers, I have a 13 gallon “kitchen” trash can, with the flip lid that turns itself back upright, for all items that were only wet. For the soiled items, I have a small trash can beside the toilet with the step pedal to open the lid. This has been what worked best for us and I can spray the diapers off and then drop them in the trash can without ever getting my hands down in any of it. Our diaper sprayer isn’t the conventional one, just a kitchen sink sprayer rigged to the toilet. 🙂 It works great though!!! And that’s pretty much it! I do dry pails, but rinse all the soiled items and come wash day (which I normally wash every other to every third) I just dump it all in and voila! 🙂

  3. we use a little milk crate type bin to store our diapers in. I want to get a rolling cart for when we have two kids in diapers and therefore a bigger stash.

  4. Right now, since we’re just TTC our first, I have all of our diapers in an unused drawer in our dresser.

    I think once we have a baby, they will all go in a dresser in the baby’s room, just because I have absolutely no other place to put them lol.

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