Flock Additions: Easter Egger Chicks & Pekin Ducklings

week old pekinduckling

pekin ducklings


easter egger chick

pekin duckling


Its chick days!!
Well, we mostly have ducklings this time though. I lost most of my chicks, but the ducklings all survived.

We have three little Pekins and one little Easter Egger joining our flock. Based on the raging snow this spring, I won’t be bringing them outside for many weeks.
We need to finish our bird run expansion project first anyway.

Until our coop and run project is complete I might have a bunch of dispersed ducks running around the house.

Since we lost a lot of chicks, I’m picking up some new rare breed chicks from a more local place. A lady about 1.5 hours north of me has what I want, so I’ll just drive up. I’m hesitant to do mail order chicks again. Our weather in Minnesota is just so unpredictable. Last year, my chicks arrived on a day in mid May and it was only 17°F. I think they have a better chance sitting on the seat warmer in my car than in a mail truck.

The ducks are already twice the size they were in these pics from just days ago.

See also:

Our DIY Chick Brooder Setup
A Chicken Coop In Rural Minnesota: Our Chicken Coop Set Up
Homemade Suet Beef Tallow Bird Seed Bricks for Chickens

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