We Had A Baby! (Again!)

baby girl birth

The belated update.

Baby is here and already four weeks old! Yes, life has gotten away from me so I am pretty behind on just about everything. My work is behind, my studio is full of cobwebs, my house is a gross disaster, and my fuse is a bit short these days. Caring for a newborn while wrangling a bunch of other kids is not for the faint of heart. Quite frankly, life would be a lot easier with baby formula and a fenced in yard. My toddlers have let themselves out of the house several times now. I find myself running all over the property trying to find a two year old escape artist. No lock can outwit him.
The older kids are too easily distracted to keep watch over the youngers.

Although, honestly the kids’ teachers are almost more work than the kids. Yesterday, one emailed me 27 times and the other emailed me 18 times!! Between that and constant Seesaw posts, I have to wonder how they do anything else all day.

Can you tell I’m a bit cranky? Haha.
Despite being sleep deprived, having no support network, and feeling like my nipples are going to fall off, life isn’t all bad. Baby Gnomi is generally content so long as she has a full belly and gets lots of holding. She doesn’t have any tummy issues or colic. She just likes cluster feeding all day. She was 20.5 inches long and 8.9 lbs at birth and her size three month clothes are already too small at four weeks old.
The kids call her Mimi.

gnomi birth 2
And speaking of babies, my chicks are going through puberty. We’ve started finding a few eggs each day in the laying boxes this past week. I’m not sure which ones are laying though.

Recuperating from this C-section has been rough. Between managing workmen for constant repairs, managing kids’ school, breastfeeding, chasing toddlers, and constant appointments, I haven’t had the recommended down time to heal. But such is life with a big family and getting our homestead set up. Of course, with each baby I am also a little bit older, so there is that.

I’m looking forward to getting into a more productive groove soon. Not that being Mary Poppins and a milk machine isn’t productive, but you know what I mean.
Never a dull moment!

And now I’m starving again, so it’s time to rifle through the veggie drawer.

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