Busy Family Life & Back to School Relief

mory 8-2017 - Copy


How INSANE is back-to-school season? I was just buying the eight billion items on the school supply lists and it was a total zoo at the store. Not to mention, the list was insanely long. I just purchased more supplies for one year than I used for my entire public school career. Although, when I think about the number of projects my son brought home from kindergarten last year, I know they will use all those crayons and glue sticks. I may have even grabbed a few project supplies for myself since I might actually have some time when school starts.

As a busy family of six, it seems we don’t really have our act together much. The calendar is booked for the entire Fall and I am a bit overwhelmed.

In late July, we began an elimination diet for Lucky that excludes all wheat, gluten, and dairy to pinpoint the source of his blistering eczema. It has been rough. Normally, this kid eats an obscene amount of food. All of them do. In an effort to foster solidarity with the other kids, I was mixing together gluten free snacks for them to share.

gluten free cheerio trail mix 2

After much complaining, they settled on a happy mix of seeds, cranberries, raisins, dark chocolate chips, and Cheerios. Luckily, these are all things we usually have in stock in the pantry. The seeds and dried fruit are always around for trail mix and we buy those big double packs of Cheerios at Costco for the toddlers to hoover up. They are gluten free!

gluten free cheerio trail mix 1

Wyn is starting kindergarten this year. She is beyond excited. THIS MAMA is excited because Mory is not ready for preschool, so that means I finally have a year off from hauling all of them to the preschool across town. Having to get to two schools for identical starting times on opposite sides of town was insane. Having a break from that might mean a morning shower for Mama.

gluten free cheerio trail mix 3

The boy wonder has been looking pretty good these days, so I think the wheat free, gluten free, dairy free thing is working. After four full weeks, we reintroduced dairy and are waiting to see what happens. The red blistery patch on his face is almost gone!

lucky 8-2017

As for relief, I really need it. As busy as the school year gets with conferences and lunch packing and the morning rush, it still means two fewer children to wrangle for six and a half hours. That means less yelling, er, I mean stern talking, and more quiet time to attend to housework, work-work, errands and stroller walks. Not to mention, some much needed mama-baby time with the younger babies. Because let’s face it, the youngest kids kind of get the shaft when it comes to quality time.

Eefer 8-2017

And who wouldn’t want to play squishy-face with this cute little Cheerios vacuum?

Tweet: An easy go-to snack for #glutenfree kids is Cheerios mixed with nuts & raisins! #backtoschool #ad https://ctt.ec/Y4UA6+


*Sponsored by cheerios.




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