5 Easy Uses for Diatomaceous Earth

diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous Earth is made of fossilized diatoms that have calcified. They are mined from dried lake beds and purified for multiple uses. There are generally two grades of DE: pool grade and food grade. Pool grade is used for pool filters. Food grade is used in vitamins, packaged foods, medications, grains,  gardens, cosmetics, and as a natural pesticide.* Diatomaceous earth is basically powdered silica, so people even eat it as a dietary supplement on occasion since our foods are often low in silica due to soil depletion. Most people actually eat DE every day without even knowing it, since it is used in so many ways related to food preservation and storage. There have been many claims that eating DE can help resolve a host of health problems, leading to a DE fad over the years. The trend to purposely consume DE doesn’t last long with a lot of people, (like most trends ).  Whether it works to produce all the benefits reported when eaten is up in the air and many people stop a DE regimen so after starting. this isn’t about the health claims of eating DE. This is about what to do afterward.

Looking for ways to use that big jug you purchased at the recommendation of well meaning acquaintances? Here are five ways to utilize Diatomaceous Earth without choking it down.

5 Easy Uses for Diatomaceous Earth

1. Garden Pest control
DE is used like black walnut to reduce worm infestations.  The shards are small enough to not hurt humans, but are sharp enough to harm small worms and insects. Try it in your garden to reduce pests like aphids, gnat larva, earth worms, and more.

2. Skin exfoliant
You can add a little DE to some lotion for exfoliating , or make a simple face scrub like this one. Make Your Own Diatomaceous Earth Face Scrub

3. Fly control
This one goes hand in hand with garden pests. If you have a compost heap, you might notice the flies are hard to control. Add DE to the heap. The sharp micro-edges cut and dehydrate the maggots,  interrupting the flies’ breeding cycle.

4. As an occasional dry shampoo
Sprinkle DE along your scalp as a dry shampoo. It absorbs oils very well, so if you already suffer from dry scalp, you should not use it or dry shampoos in general. DE can also fight lice.  If lice are going around in your group, sprinkle the DE along the scalp, and keep hair in tight braids. DE is slightly abrasive, so you might not want to use it on color treated hair.

5. As a scouring powder
DE is great as a scouring agent like baking soda. DE is finer than baking soda, so it is a bit less abrasive for surfaces that scratch easily. Use it on stainless steel and porcelain to remove buildup and stains. You can even use a bit as a tooth polish for removing coffee stains and plaque.

* Food grade Diatomaceous Earth is not to be confused with pool grade. Breathing food grade de is not dangerous. It contains far less crystalline silica than what is to be considered safe levels. Pool grade is the DE unsafe to inhale.

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