Mix Fun & Green with Reusable Cloth Napkins

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Are your kids getting all ho-hum about mealtimes?  Of course, finding new and exciting food combinations is a great way to stir things up, but also consider the presentation. Jazz up those kid meals with bright patterned cloth napkins! Not only can cloth napkins in funky fabrics make mealtime prettier all around, but they are environmentally friendly. Ditch those extra paper towels and get green with reusable cloth.

*Napkins c/o Funkins

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Any plain old sandwich looks more appealing served with a fun backdrop. Cloth napkins like Funkins bring meals and snacks to the next level.
Funkins have brightly patterned fabrics and sturdy top stitched edges.  They are durable enough to withstand repeated use and can go right into the wash with regular laundry.

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You can use seasonal napkins and get creative with themes. Funkins has enough colors and patterns available to please any family. Our kids like getting to pick out which napkin they get to use and often use them as place mats since the size is so generous. The tag on each Funkins napkin allows enough space for your child’s name in case his napkin gets separated from his lunch box!

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