The Basic Cloth Wipe Liquid Solution

basic cloth wipe solution

Wipe solutions
Making a very basic wipe solution is simple and can be done with ingredients you already have at home. Avoid extra chemicals by not buying them in the first place.

Basic Recipe for Wipes
1/8 cup castile soap or baby shampoo
1/8 cup olive oil
2 cups water

Place soap in container and slowly mix oil into soap until well blended. Add warm water and mix until uniform consistently.

This solution is fairly strong so it can be diluted a bit if you like. You can also scent your solution with essential oils like lavender or even use essential oils with antimicrobial properties like tea tree oil. I highly recommend the castile soap over a baby shampoo unless you are very comfortable with your shampoo ingredients.

You can store your solution in a plastic or glass container.  Some people keep it in a spray bottle for wetting one wipe at a time. You can also pour solution over a day’s worth of wipes in a wipe box.


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